theirs alot of poeple here in the states that would give their left nut for that sledrestore it and enjoy.your a lucky guy ( or you could sell it to me and ill take good care of it)
agfirecat how close are you to Buffalo, NY? I grass Dragged their in the 90's, I think it was called Fireman lane? I drove 14 hours straight then raced never again! I race local now like 2 hrs from the house
buffalo is a 2 1/2 hrs from me i live 15 miles north of syracuse on oneida lake all the lake effect snow coming off of lake cranking about 20 miles north of me.yesterday the town of minetto got 48'' we got about 4. sometimes we get lucky and the bands will drift south and it dumps for hours.
the sled that didnt exist .. SRX500 is a ghost, but this ghost is alive .. only 16 left int the world. there is some more of this sleds, but none of them is in one peace.. First time i drived one, was in 1985, but only for about 10 minuts. the engine did not survive that day. if we only knew about the exhaust temp meters then, but at that time it didnt exist (for us).. (i hope you guys understand my bad english)
i removed the frontplate because it was really badly hurt, i'm have a new and i'm gonna put it on before i paint the whole frame. and the footplace also, i removed them to.
i also have a 1983 Vmax 540 that i'm gonna rebuilt for everyday use.
This sled have finally found it's way back to me, after an long journey. I am "Arne", that post the picture of it here at vintagevmax in year 1999/2000. I will soon make a new tread of it's new journey- to be restored as an original SRX 500 (8R9).