Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
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Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by ernestTee »

I doubt that any of us are from chicago, yet this is still a Topic to keep an eye onto. ... 014-1034pm

... below is a quote from this link ...

“It’s a complex issue. I think people have been hurting,” Ald. Will Burns (4th), the panel’s co-chairman, said. “The Great Recession effectively wiped out a decade of income and wealth for most Americans, and if you look at workers with only a high school degree, their wages when indexed for inflation have not changed since the early 1970s.”

... I find this quote as Ironic. At age 54, I lived thru a True Recession, being 1980 thru 1984. That imo was a 'Great' Recession, with interest rates and unemployment near 20% across the board. Being rather young and unskilled at that time, Work for Many such as Myself was near impossible at the onset, yet relief was felt within a Very short time.

... uh, why is it, that the '80-'84 recession did Not effectively wipe out a decades of income and wealth ... perhaps we Appropriately and Properly addressed the underlying factors to correct the situation and ensure Prosperity afterward ???

... nah, couldn't be ... heck, I didn't have a nickel to my Name within that time, and Today I consider Myself as a Successful Homeowner ... then again, I Never worked for minimum wage, even throughout the Greatest Recession.

I do Not mean for My Statements to sound as Arrogant, yet I believe that this substantiates the lackluster degree of common sense that works against us All these days.
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by Vmax540 »

Sometimes, I think maybe we should just let them have their minimum wage increase to $15.00 then stand back time knowing, they will come back with an apology......
:wink: ... ogize.html
A good friend of mine apologized to me today. You see, he voted for Barack Hussein Obama in the 2008 election and he lives in a so-called “swing state.” He told me that he had not voted for Obama in the 2012 election, but that he realized that by supporting him in 2008, he had help unleash a deadly virus onto the American scene. He simply said he was sorry.
I think a good many Americans feel much the same as my good friend. They know that they were seduced by the very slick presentation that Barack Obama made in the 2008 campaign. They bought into the promises that he made about deficits and transparency and ethical government. They also know that there is a vast constituency of the Democratic Party that is entitlement bound. These welfare “victims” never thought through the implications of America’s fiscal crisis. They believed everything and anything that Barack Obama was slinging their way. And most of all, they loved hearing what Obama was going to give them.
So, my more aware friends who knew the true nature of the crisis were, nevertheless, seduced by the rhetoric and became the deciding swing vote in an election that did “fundamentally change America.” When 2012 came around, the welfare “victims” and the hard-core union and liberal base of the Democrats still hung onto the belief that Barack Hussein Obama was driving America in the right direction. And so, Obama was granted another four years to hammer America into something of his own liking.
Now, with 2 ½ years to go in Obama’s second Administration, I think most folks, including many in the solid core union and liberal base of the Democratic Party, are beginning to see the light. Many now suspect that Barack Hussein Obama is an empty suit. In Texas, people refer to someone who has no true experience or accomplishments as a person with “all hat and no cattle.”
But now our greater fears about Mr. Obama are confirmed. He has made his way through this world by lying and deceiving. There are no childhood friends recalling their growing up together. There are no college classmates reminiscing about dear old Occidental, Columbia, or Harvard. Obama is a manufactured fraud.
There is only the Chicago political machine and the Reverend Wrights of this world to partially fill in the many blanks where Obama was and what was he doing. Mr. Obama didn’t even write his famed Dreams of My Father. He simply has no documentable accomplishments to justify his political rise to power. Yet, the American people twice elected him to the highest office in our land. How did this happen?
Barack Hussein Obama has used his smooth public manner and a web of deception to gain a political foothold on the American landscape. But, as Lincoln said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”.
What do you call a person whose statements turn out to be false and it becomes known that he knew his statements were false at the time he made them. That, my friend, is the definition of a liar.
Liar is a word that rarely pops up in the media. It is considered too harsh and not appropriate for modern discourse. In a legal setting, a liar can be subject to imprisonment. In those instances, we call it perjury.
But the man occupying the White House is plainly and simply just a liar. From Fast and Furious to the IRS targeting of conservative groups to the shame of the Benghazi killings, what we have is a liar in the White House who has surrounded himself with many of his same ilk.
Putin, too, knows that Obama is not a man of his word. Rather, Putin recognizes a feckless President that can be bullied and manipulated to serve Putin’s ambition.
Once America fully comes to grip with the fact that Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen (women) are liars, then maybe we can begin to unravel to mess of false promises and economic “snipe hunts” we have been fed. Maybe we can regain our stature on the international scene. As regards my good friend, apology accepted! What else could I do?
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by Bob Vehring »

Couldn't argue with any of that Chuck, but the bigger question is, how did WE, get to the point where WE, allow that to keep happening?

I don't pretend to have any of the answers. One of the most enlightening things I remember is from years ago but is on going.
I guess I could be considered an "Alien Freak", not those from other countries, those from other planets. Really its not the Aliens that interest me, Its the government handling of this worldwide, and it is world wide.. Over decades high ranking politicians here and elsewhere have asked to be briefed on this. This includes past US Presidents. They were shut out, not allowed to know, not cleared for that info. So, that leads to the really big question. Who the hell is really driving the bus?

I've been around since 1950, to be honest, doesn't seem to make much difference which party is in power, seems we can't even learn from our past mistakes. Often simple common sense seems to show what Should be done, yet most often, it isn't, WHY? If the CEO of a for profit company ran his business like our country is run, he wouldn't be around for long. Why is Obomer still around?
Is there something bigger then either party doing the driving? Maybe its the Aliens. That's it, Bama must be from Youranus
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by Vmax540 »

Bob Bad behavior should never be an excuse for more lying and broken promises in my book should not be a reason for more of the same. We are all human, it is just some learn from their mistakes, some do not....

The M.S.M. was quick to point out the failure of companies run by Mitt Romney at Bain all the while side stepping a ~80% success rate when they acquired companies that were already headed for chapter 7. Yes, it would of hit hard at households that were affected by job losses in that 20% that went under. Which is better saving 80% or losing 100% of those jobs... ... neys-watch
Bain itself is a success
Romney should be eager to talk about Bain, says Ford O'Connell at U.S. News & World Report, and not just because of the firm's 80 percent success rate in driving up revenue at the companies it acquires. Romney should be most proud of "his own success in building Bain Capital from scratch into a successful organization with a great reputation that met a significant payroll and provided a service on which the economy absolutely depends." Over 28 years, the firm has boosted income at the companies it backed by $105 billion, creating thousands upon thousands of jobs. To attack Bain, you have to attack all of private equity, says Chris Stirewalt at Fox News. "Romney and Bain were widely seen as very good at what they did, not plunderers, but responsible corporate citizens."
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by Vmax540 »

Food for thought.
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by Bob Vehring »

Chuck, sorry to say, but I really can't debate here much, just not well read and knowledgeable enough. Not knowledgeable enough because I believe the real truth is not given to us.
The comments about Aliens came from a period of time while recovering from injuries and time and interest to look into it. Again the point of interest here is not little green men, rather how deep and complex the investigation and any involvement by our (and other ) governments is. Despite overwhelming proof, hundreds of witnesses,videos and all, someone in the Gov can simply say" they weren't there, know nothing about it, even to the president, and we all quietly buy it.

The point relevant to today's issues is simply, "we the people" can sit here all day, month, year, and talk about how things should be done, but inside, I have this fear that the next President has already been chosen. The only thing left to do is play out the show.

Like many people, I find that most of the time, my choice for a candidate is simply choosing between two bad choices. Why is it so impossible to consider anything other then the two party system. Why is that governed to the point that it can not happen.

We pick and choose our battles based on political power, oil and or money not the need of some other country. We kill thousands, many our own and all we get from the world is hatred for being involved. In the mean time, our country is going down the crapper, and people here accept that. We pretend our vote counts but were really given so little info to base that vote on
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by Vmax540 »

It's just that...... I'm not ready yet, to give up the ship even with it's faults.....

People complain of our two party system yet the M.S.M. leads us to believe that in each of the parties there are extremes left and right. They say so, extreme are the ends that those in the center are one and the same. Then do we not have many more than two choices ? Course, we also, have the John Stossel's of the world in there somewhere.....

How I picture... am I wrong ?
Far Left, Left of center, center, Libertarians, center, Right of center, Far Right
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Chicago eyes Hefty Hike To Minimum Wage ...

Post by ernestTee »

... VMax, I Like the pics ... and I couldn't agree more with Your post as to Your Friend that You'd mentioned.

... as for the 2 Party System ... there really seems to be only one major complainer of the current System ... and this would be our complainer and liar in chief. How can the poor guy get anything done when there's opposition to his ultra radical views, how 'bout it ... if it weren't for the opposition of the rotten Republicans, we'd have an even larger base to the current welfare system ... there'd also be less jobs and even lengthier unemployment benefits ... complete nationalization of our remaining Proucers and Industries ... wage controls and limits on anyone not affiliated with the democratic party ... free contraception dispensed throughout our Grade Schools ... population control as dictated by the perversed and despicable john holdren ... need I go on.

... I'm not about to say that the current Repubs are thee only way, but who can deny that Any Repub will back all Small Biz as well as Large Biz ... who can deny lesser gov't and lower taxes from them as well. We've Never faced as much fiscal crisis under Any other past regime.

The real writing on the wall imo would be the small tidbits of news that we don't hear on the lame stream ... as of date, more than 25% of Americans are delinquent with debts, and I've also heard varying estimates that are closer to 33% ... close to 2/3 of our Population does Not work ... and inflation runs Rampant in the event that the Wife does the Grocery Shopping and we aren't aware of current Food Pricing.

We're in this current mess because nobody bothered to actually look into the background of this sad excuse of a leader. Nobody bothered to consider that there's No Documentation as to any past College Records. Nobody bothered to consider the quotes made in his past alleged books.

And a Vast majority believed that they were gonna get a great big slice of spread-the-wealth pie. What they actually got was a huge stuff sandwich, and every day's another bite.

Whether or not Anyone can straighten this mess out is questionable imo. Been a Lot of damage done, some of which I fear is irreversible. And I don't refer to Policy and all, I refer to the mindset of the masses. Case in point, the title of this thread.
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